Attention Velox lovers

MrMild (he’s our Northern Correspondent) was chewing the fat with the Typemaniac over some old tech, like vertical studio cameras (the Agfa camera sucked big time but it was cheap so everyone bought it). . . . Now where was I? Oh, yeah. MrMild and I were talking about making veloxes using bump and flash exposures. MrMild then located this fine web page by Wendy Mukluk that covers all of that fine old tech. Read and enjoy!


The Official U.S. Highway Sign Font Is Changing From Clearview to Highway Gothic

Clearview is out.

Highway Gothic is back in.

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration approved the use of the Clearview font for highway signage back in 2004, because testing showed that it contributed to increased readability. The approval has now been rescinded, so future signage will be in good old Highway Gothic. According to the FHWA, the legibility claims for Clearview have been disproven, though the agency has yet to reveal any scientific basis for their change.

Source: The Official U.S. Highway Sign Font Is Changing From Clearview to Highway Gothic – CityLab

More background at the New York Times: The Road to Clarity

Thanks to one of our Typographic Irregulars, MrMild.