Anyone remember WUGNET?

Many years ago — meaning probably in the early 1990s — there was WUGNET, the Windows User Group. It was dedicated to sharing tips and tricks about the then-new Windows operating system. WUGNET published a journal, reviewed software utilities, managed Compuserve forums (that takes me back!) and published several books about Windows.

Back in the day, the Typemaniac occasionally contributed to the Wugnet Journal. In particular, he wrote a memorable column about some of the type tools we were using back then — things like Publisher’s Type Foundry (Zsoft), WFNboss (Corel), and Refont (Acute Systems).

Now the Typemaniac is preparing to write up some of the tools he’s using currently: FontForge (open source, originated by George Williams), Font Creator (HighLogic), Type Tool 3 (FontLab), and FontExplorer X Pro (Monotype).

But wouldn’t it be cool to also reprint his original WUGNET article? Unfortunately, the Typemaniac’s Bloated Archive of Old Stuff seems to have gone missing, so he did the next best thing and contacted his old buds at WUGNET, Joel Diamond and Howard Sobel. Howard and Joel scoured every nook and cranny of the office, but sadly, it turns out that their archives are also MIA.

So if anyone knows where to get the WUGNET Journal where our type tool article appeared, please get in touch. We’ll gladly scan it and return it to you and even pay you a couple of bucks.