Nile Peterson has put together an astonishingly beautiful collection of typography samples and covers of typography specimen books. How did I come across this? I was searching for the Franklin Photolettering Film Alphabet Compendium.
Fonts, families and faces
This just in from our West Coast correspondent
Famous logos redrawn in Comic Sans
Funky swash font
I spotted this pretty thing in the West Side Spirit, a community newspaper. The font is Thirsty Script Black by Ryan Martinson of Yellow Design Studio. The MyFonts website describes it as having a new look with a vintage vibe. At $20, it’s a bargain.
Similar fonts include Nexa Script Heavy (Ani Petrova) and Sant’Elia Script Black (Ryan Martinson).
Love them unicase fonts
This is from the “Make Do With What You Got” album by Solomon Burke. I didn’t recognize the font, so I asked at the WhatTheFont forum. Akira1975 identified the font as House Gothic 23 Condensed Bold 4.
Inquiring minds want to know — Calibri
This arrived recently from our buddy, J.R. Wilheim:
“A few years back, MS Word changed the default font from Times New Roman to Calibri. At the time I was baffled by it, but as it wasn’t too hard to switch into Times New Roman (and as I eventually figured out how to switch the default font myself in Office) I didn’t pay it much mind. I got into a discussion recently with someone about changes to Office and as a result decided to look up exactly why this change was made. Apparently, at the time Office 2007 was released, there was a widespread (and, as it turns out, correct) belief that more and more document production would not involve paper, and that Calibri was easier to read on screens that Times New Roman. As someone in web graphic design, do you think there’s any merit to this? I can’t see why paper v. online would have any effect on how readable a font is, but you obviously know a lot more about it than I do.”
The Typemaniac answered:
Short answer:
Typical resolution of a home printer is ~200 dots per inch
Typical resolution of a computer screen is ~96 pixels per inch
At small sizes, a font optimized for print won’t look too good on screen and vice-versa.
‘Hillvetica’ Typeface Riffing On Clinton’s Campaign Logo
Font vigilantes attack “I can’t breathe” tee-shirts
Our West Coast correspondent spotted this “tempête dans un verre d’eau” about Comic Sans on the Dangerous Minds website. Apparently there’s been quite the little debate over the font used on some “I can’t breathe” tee-shirts.
The Typemaniac doesn’t give a hoot one way or another (he would have used Banco) but he’s happy for anything that promotes public awareness of typography.
Idiotic hipsters complain about the font of ‘I Can’t Breathe’ protest shirts | Dangerous Minds.
Lovely unicase or common case font
I have a soft spot for unicase fonts and recently discovered that ITC Franklin from the Font Bureau has unicase alternates. It’s not clear when they were added to the range, but I’d guess that David Berlow added them in 2008. With so many ITC Franklin fonts out there, be sure the one you get has the unicase alternates.
Font Bureau Fonts | ITC Franklin.
Hat tip to Nina Stössinger (!
Sweden Has Its Own Font
Sweden Sans was commissioned by the Swedish government to represent the country’s brand identity in a wide range of media. It was created by design agency Söderhavet and font designer Stefan Hattenbach.
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Hat tip to our type buddy, Bill.